Tutorials on the F18 in DCS will find there way here. My tutorials for the F18 are not designed to cover every single aspect of its operations, there’s so many things it can do, it would total a thousand videos. Instead my goal is to focus on a few very specific systems that I feel have been neglected over the years, going longer for more depth & detail.
Some of the videos here also show a more general “DCS world type tutorial” , where I opted to use the FA18 to demonstrate that.
Advanced F18 Fuel Management.
In-depth Tutorial showing best case for using the fuel tanks in the F18 Hornet.
Alignment of the INS + HMD
During a cold and dark startup, the manual and official method will tell you to align these systems before even beginning to rearm the aircraft, nevermind moving it or taking off. There was some confusion over the use of IFA – In Flight Alignment switch, which I blame on myself for not being clearer, but this switch is always to be in IFA position (unless some very specific reason why it shouldn’t be, and those reasons are not simulated in DCS World).
The objective of the video, was to find out, if aligning these systems BEFORE moving the aircraft makes any difference. I think the results speak for themselves, note this video was made in Feb 2022, so if a lot of time has passed since then, things can change.