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DCS Gaming / Video Editing Rig

I first upgraded my computer way back when I was 11 years old. I had gotten an 8-bit sound card for Christmas back in 1994, my windows 3.1 PC that sported a whopping 4MB of RAM… A lot has changed since then. Computer hardware while thousands of times more powerful, is also much easier to setup. Who remembers editing the autoexec.bat and config.sys files, trying to get the maximum amount of free base RAM? that all important first 640K!

If you’ve seen any of my videos, then you’ve seen the kinds of performances and graphics settings my setup can muster up. My video capturing software running on the same machine at the same time adds to the demand. Since October 2022 I’ve upgraded to the RTX4090 – which is currently the best thing out there for DCS World. It’s also the most expensive, so you’ve got to balance your wants and needs vs that pesky affordability scale. I had to borrow a little bit of money to help get it, It was stretch for sure.

System specifications: