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Donate and help support the channel

Producing great videos for people interested in DCS as well as the recreations of significant events in aviation, is a big passion of mine and I would like nothing more than continue to this for many years to come.

The difference between making boring videos, good videos, and great videos is what takes a lot of practice, time and effort, as well as suitable computer hardware and programs. I would love to go full-time and dedicate the future of my working life to making this exciting and valuable content for people.

You might be able to help me achieve this goal.

If you are fortunate enough to be in a position to give a donation, it will support the channel by enabling me to put more time into making more videos. This includes buying & upgrading essential computing equipment as the technologies continue to advance.

My partner of almost 10 years, Helen deals with the money side of things, so you’ll probably find her name down the link alongside the channel logo – that means it’s good to go.

If you would like to support the channel, but don’t have very much spare at the end of the week, then I must ask that you dont, instead consider some other ways you can help me, such as:

  • Subscribing to the channel
  • Watching new videos and engage with them, other users too, something you liked or didn’t like, from me or someone else, just keep it respectful, and please, see them through before commenting.
  • If you found the video enjoyable, ensure you leave a like… This is really important as it helps YouTube understand you liked the video (Duh!) and because of this, YouTube is then far more likely to share the video with someone else, who has similar interests to yourself, but not yet familiar with the channel.
  • Always leave a comment – Say what you enjoyed most, or what part you didn’t. Was there something you disagree with, perhaps I got something wrong, or maybe I went in detail on some kinda switch you had no clue what it did before. These comments not only give me some nice encouragement, but often times I get pointers from someone who is a pro on a specific module and thus it helps me, and everyone else learn too – win win win!