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YouTube Channel Name Update

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The channel related to this website on YouTube was formerly known as DCS-DigitalCombatSimulator.

This has been the case since its inception sometime in 2018. The first years saw few videos, and few views.

Winter 2021-22 (the last 3 months as I write this) saw the opportunity to create new content for the channel at a much higher quality and frequency than before – as a result the channel has grown, from fewer than 100 subscribers to what it is today.

As it grew, a little voice niggled in the back of my mind that said “The name choice years ago wasn’t great, someone might think you’re pretending to be eagle dynamics…”

Well this niggle was confirmed… Twice! Additionally people had already said my channel was hard to find, because when you tried to search for it, results for everything else DCS came up too. I appreciate all these concerns, so it’s time to address this now, while the channel is still quite small and nip this in the bud, avoiding potential problems further down the road.

The Channel is now called:

Fox 3 Simulations

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